Wednesday 9 October 2013

One of my favourite characters is Elizabeth, from a book called "Safe as Houses" by Eric Walters. Elizabeth is a fantastic character!She is a fantastic character because she goes through really hard things and survives. For example, she goes through Hurricane Hazel and not only does she save herself she also saves 2 kids she babysits. I also like how Elizabeth is always kind and caring. In the book, she's always doing nice things to keep the kids happy, even if she feels like she is going to pass out. what I really like about Elizabeth is how she's always brave, and full of ideas. In the book she was really desperate to survive. Elizabeth had an idea to climb up on the roof of the house and see if she could find helpers, and she was brave enough to do it.This is why I think Elizabeth is a fantastic character, and I hope you find her interesting too.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Percy Jackcon and The Sea of Monsters

Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters is a really good book. It's an adventure novel which is about a boy who goes on a quest with his friends. He has to rescue his best friend and find a magical item. The item is used to rescue his camp and the world from monsters. The book has a happy ending. It's also hard to guess what's going to happen next, so it'll make you keep reading. It's the second book in a series. Read the book to find out what happens next.